Cartouches were used in ancient Egypt
as name plates for people of great importance. We at the
DecalZone feel that honor should be extended to the masses.
Below you will find a quick explanation on how to make one
of your own in Egyptian hieroglyphs and customize the color,
orientation, and size of your decal.
Your Name Phonetically:
this translation program to be its most accurate you must
first convert your name, or whatever you want your final
cartouche to say, to it's phonetic spelling. In other words,
what the name would sound like. There is a catch, in Egyptian
they rarely used vowel except when they were at the beginning
of a name or where confusion resulted by not including them.
Also, the ee sound in geek, for instance, was represented
by the y so you would spell it phonetically gyk. There are
special characters for CH and SH sound (So when you make
your selections below select the ch rather than a c and
an h, for instance). Lastly, there are no spaces, even if
there is more than one word. My guess is that paper, and
gold, for that matter, was very expensive and the scribes
didn't want to waste it.
couple other examples:
Fred = frd
Joe = jo
Ethel = Ethl
Cherrie = chry
DecalZone = dyclzon
Egyptians did not have separate symbols for one through
nine (the concept of representing nothing with a zero was
a few centuries away) but instead had symbols for 1, 10,
100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000 (this last also
represented infinity). So, 1,235 would be 1,000 100
100 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1.